Our Vision
Dancing Shiva Tantra Monastery & Healing Center
is located in a vortex of naturally concentrated spiritual, sexual, magnetic and electromagnetic energies.
We are a wilderness oasis where students, teachers and seekers come to integrate and recharge, physically, spiritually and sexually, by experiencing, learning and practicing tantra.
Our vision is to be a global hub of physical, intellectual, spiritual, sexual and tantric exploration as a connected consciousness existing in awareness of a shared human experience.

Our Mission
Dancing Shiva Tantra Monastery and Healing Center’s mission is to bring a version of tantra to the West that is both accessible to the Westerner and relevant to the present — yet still true to the authentic tradition of tantra taught and lived in India for millennia. It aims to do this by offering workshops, trainings, and other programs both at its home in the mountains and away. Even more importantly, however, is that Dancing Shiva Tantra Monastery & Healing Center
is a place where the teachings are lived,
and where one can absorb their essence
by simply being present. It is a place for healing,
transformation, and celebration.